Our Promos

Indulge in a selection of exclusive offers and discounts just for you.

Experience pure delight with us.

Special Offers

Discover exclusive deals and exciting offers. We’ve gathered the best discounts and promotions just for you.

El Palacio Hotel & Resort

Grand Opening Promo

April 23, 2023


Avail our opening promo rate of Php 2,500 for bookings from May to June 2023.

El Palacio Hotel & Resort

Cash Pay-Day Promo

Pay Day Flash Sale!!

Book your stay every pay day sale and get the deluxe room for only P2,999 with free breakfast for two. Valid for staycation from June 15-December 31,2023

El Palacio Hotel & Resort

Father’s Day

For only P3,999, book a Deluxe Queen Room, breakfast for two and a delicious poolside dinner for Dad. The room can accommodate a maximum of 4 persons and you can avail of extra breakfast for only P300/person.

Booking period: June 1- June 18, 2023
Stay period: June 18, 2023

Book Your Stay Today!

Indulge in unforgettable moments with affordable luxury.